Surfing The Collaboration Wave

How collaboration can boost your L&D, engagement and productivity

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    Fittingly our latest White Paper is a joint venture between 10Eighty and Merriborn Media and is subtitled: ‘How to spread the benefits of Collaborative Learning across your organisation’.

    We wrote this report to enhance understanding of the transformative impact that a culture of collaboration can bring to organisations.

    To ensure our White Paper contained both qualitative and quantitative data, 100 leading HR and L&D practitioners in the UK and internationally were engaged in surveys or interviews to demonstrate how businesses can and must harness the potential of collaborative learning and surf that collaboration wave!

    “I think everyone instinctively “gets” collaboration – but many don’t really know how to talk about it with real business value in a workplace context.”

    Jenny Thow, L&D Advisor, Sika

    What ‘Surfing the Collaboration Wave’ reveals


    • The difference between collaboration, collaborative working and collaborative learning
    • The game-changing impact of technology on collaboration
    • How to make a positive case for collaborative learning
    • The Collaborative Learning Wave Effect™
    • The Triple Impact of Collaborative Learning on L&D Strategy, Engagement and Productivity
    • A case study that demonstrates collaborative learning in full effect

    Your ‘Collaboration Wave’ White Paper takeaways

    Organisations using collaborative learning:-

    • Register a significantly higher take up in all other L&D interventions; and
    • Enjoy average engagement scores around 10% higher than those that do not.

    In addition, two-thirds (67%) of those surveyed say that a more collaborative approach to working and learning would help boost productivity by at least 5% in their organisation.

    4 Replies to “Surfing The Collaboration Wave”

    1. Martin Ferguson

      I’m interested in exploring how collaborative learning might work across our 2500 members. So far, we’ve failed spectacularly! Looking forward to reading your White Paper.

      • Trevor Merriden

        Hi Martin – how are you? Just back from hols and saw your comment. Hope you liked the paper … happy to have a coffee and talk about it/your members if you want to. You know how to find me! 🙂 Trevor

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