Collaborative Learning – the time for action is now!
We are so excited to be launching our paper “Surfing the Collaboration Wave” in collaboration with our friends at 10Eighty today.
The time to surf the Collaboration Wave is now. Our research and interviews among a 100-strong panel of senior HR and L&D practitioners has shown the prize of a well thought through collaborative learning strategy. It has revealed that those who place collaborative learning at the centre of their organisational learning strategy register significantly higher usage of other L&D interventions and average engagement scores around 10% higher than those that do not. In addition, two-thirds of those surveyed say that a more collaborative approach to working and learning would help boost productivity by at least 5% in their organisation.
This paper has shows that while we all collaborate with each other in our everyday lives, we miss many opportunities to improve the way that we work and learn.. Many advocates of a deeper and broader push towards collaborative learning struggle to show the business value of collaboration in a workplace context. To seize the moment, our research also tells us that three-quarters of our respondents felt that leadership development would be the biggest immediate beneficiary from a more collaborative approach. Roughly the same number felt that collaborative learning would promote a business wide “project mentality” to counter organisational silos and a wasteful duplication of energy and resources. And nearly half believed that a more collaborative approach would greatly help career induction and development programmes.
Whether you want to know how to make the case for collaborative learning in your organisation, think through how it would work (or work better) for your organisation or even work with us to assess how “collaboration ready” your business actually is, get in contact with us.
Merriborn particularly wants readers of this report and other interested HR & L&D professionals to join a brand new pioneering community aimed at establishing a Merriborn Collaborative Scorecard™ – a chance for all organisations to work out how to identify, assess and benchmark their collaborative strengths and challenges.
Email Managing Director to register to join our initiative
Merriborn Media is a business dedicated to developing clever content, engaged online communities and effective collaborative working and learning for clients. Both Merriborn Media and its founder Trevor Merriden were ranked in the Top 3 of social learning evangelists for 2016 in a recent major study.